​Using Structure to Access Remote Learning

Structuring the Home Environment for Children with Developmental Disabilities

This series of videos will help parents/carers and families of children with developmental disabilities to successfully access their remote learning programs through the addition of structure in the home.

The adjustment of furniture, household items and intentional use of separate rooms and spaces can support children to understand the difference between their learning and living spaces, and the expected behaviours in each.

Parents/carers and families who watch the "How to use structure in your home for remote learning success" will learn:

  • How to define and label different spaces within the home
  • How to create and use schedules for children to transition between spaces
  • How to design optimal structured independent work stations for children.

Structure can support the engagement of children with developmental disabilities. It can support children to:

  • Self-manage
  • Increase independence
  • Strengthen executive functioning skills
  • Engage in their remote learning in an organised, and predictable manner.

When children are engaged in their remote learning, they have the opportunity to learn new skills. Creating structured work stations within your home for your child to work from, and move between, will provide a consistent way for children to be exposed to new skills and learning tasks supplied by their teacher and schools. Structure can be created and individualised to suit your home, family and child's needs.


1. Structuring the Home Environment for Children with Developmental Disabilities

Information Video – "How to use structure in your home for remote learning success" (20 min)


Watch in Fullscreen - Click here


2. Using schedules: supporting transitions, and teaching predictable routines

Example Video – Using a schedule to transition


Watch in Fullscreen - Click here


3. Setting up a work station: helping children sort through a series of tasks

Example Video – Independent Work: To Do – Finished


Watch in Fullscreen - Click here


Example Video – Independent Work: 1, 2, 3 – Finished


Watch in Fullscreen - Click here
