Sally and Possum is an innovative video and television series for young deaf and hard of hearing children who use Australian Sign Language (Auslan) as their primary means of communication. The series was developed in Auslan with English voiceovers and includes a total of 6 series featuring 90 episodes.
Sally and Possum has been broadcast nationally on ABC KIDS since June 2016 and continues today.
The Queensland Government has recently released new educational resources developed by specialist Queensland teachers of the deaf that align with the Australian Curriculum. These are available to download for free at
The educational resource package guides teaching and learning opportunities in early childhood and school settings through the use of Sally and Possum episodes. The free resources are designed for use by teachers, parents and families both in the classroom and at home.
The educational resource package includes:
- season overviews featuring key themes from each episode
- episode summaries detailing an overview and curriculum guide for each episode
- Sally's drawer including popular recipes and how to craft instructions from various episodes
- the deaf awareness activity guide to support deaf awareness and culture within classrooms
- the Auslan language activity guide to support outcomes under the Australian Curriculum – Auslan Language.
For more information visit: